Grab a custom mask in black to match your gear. Here are just a few examples of mask to purchase with your top gear. More Colors coming soon.
Masks are not returnable due to health safety concerns.
- Not recommended-for use in a surgical setting or where significant exposure to liquid, bodily or other hazardous fluids may be expected.
- Shall not be used in a clinical setting where the infection risk level through inhalation exposure is high.
- Shall not be used in the presence of a high intensity heat source or flammable gas.
- Fabric touching skin: Cotton-polyester blend.
- May contain silver and/or copper.
- This product has not been FDA cleared or approved.
- PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a medical-grade mask and is not intended as a replacement for medical-grade equipment or other recommended measures to stop the community spread of any viruses, including social distancing, washing your hands, and refraining from touching your face.
- USA: This is not an FDA-approved product. This product makes no claims of antimicrobial protection, antiviral protection, particulate filtration, or infection prevention or reduction. This product is not intended for use in a medical setting.